How do we generate electricity?

Newton Rooms: All

Level: P6 and P7

Duration: 5 hours

Description:  In this module, pupils will take on challenges that reflect some of the skills and careers that are part of the Scottish energy sector, focusing on turbines, energy storage and electrical engineering.

Activity 1: What is energy? - Pupils will explore a series of small games and challenges to explore the different energy types and transformations, classifying the different energy types they recognise. They will then investigate electrical appliances, identifying the energy transformations happening within them and the types of wasted energy that the appliances gives off. 

Activity 2: Build a battery - Pupils will use cola battery cells to build working battery circuits. They will be asked to measure the voltage in the circuit using a multimeter as they build up the circuit to contain 1, 2, 3, and 4 battery cells.  

Activity 3: Appliances and Energy - Pupils will use LittleBits to build different electrical circuits and complete a series of challenges.

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