Pop Up Newton Room

Pop-Up Newton Room

We also have a touring Newton Room to bring STEM to more of our Highland communities.

“A wonderful range of interesting activities that my pupils wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to take part in.”
Pop Up Newton Room

About the Pop-Up Newton Room

We have developed a touring Pop-Up Newton Room with a dedicated STEM Engagement Officer to deliver Newton Modules. It is just like coming to a Newton Room, except we come to you! We bring all our exciting activities, equipment and we even bring our own furniture.

Catchment areas include Badenoch and Strathspey, Skye and Lochalsh, Gairloch, Ullapool and Kinlochbervie and we offer a range of modules for P6 - P7 and S1 - S2 pupils. 

Contact Pop-Up Newton Room

Explore Newton Modules

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Meet your SEO

Scott O'Hara is our Pop-Up STEM Engagement Officer (SEO). If you would like to book your class in for a session at our Pop-Up Newton Room when it comes to your area, or would just like to know a bit more about the modules we offer, email Scott scott.o'hara@highland.gov.uk 

Here is a bit of Scott's background...

"I’ve always been passionate about wildlife, and at school I had some fantastic teachers who enthused me about the sciences, however it wasn’t until a year after I’d left school that I discovered that I could take my interest in nature further.  I went on to study Countryside Management at a local community college and subsequently the Scottish Agricultural College (now SRUC) at Craibstone which gave me a good footing to work in conservation and environmental education. While I had already been a birder for a few years, it wasn't until I was living and working at one of the UK’s bird observatories that I truly discovered my passion for birds. This led me into working in ecology and wildlife tourism.

As a bird guide, I have led birding tours extensively across the Scottish Highlands and Islands, as well as various places overseas: visiting some stunning locations and seeing some amazing wildlife! More recently I have been back leading a few birding tours and bird identification workshops alongside my work with the Science Skills Academy.

Outside of work I am an avid birder and gamer (tabletop, console, and PC). I enjoy a good book, particularly within the dark/high fantasy and cosmic horror genres, and have been known to wander up a hill or two when the mood takes me. When I’m not out and about, I can be found with my wife and our two rather spoiled guinea pigs, Ben and Jerry, in the old schoolhouse we call home. 

Now that I’m in the Highlands on a more permanent basis I’m thrilled to be part of the Science Skills Academy. Running the Pop-Up Newton Room means I get to take our Newton modules out on the road to some of the more remote communities in the region and the feedback from both teachers and pupils has been fantastic!"